Photo Credit: Alyssa Fortin Photography

Photo Credit: Alyssa Fortin Photography

Long hair, short hair, hide your roots or touch them up? The latter is a subject I never knew much about. I’ve never dyed my hair, except that one time I rebelled in high school and reached for the purple boxed hair dye in aisle 10. The worst part, after all that time spent hiding in the bathroom the dye only showed through my black hair as faint purple highlights in the sun. What I do know is a great cut. I usually alternate between long stretches of growing out my hair only to chop it off around pixie length and start the process over.

The pandemic may have forced many of us into my hair ritual, or shopping down pharmacy aisles in search of the perfect shade only your stylist can create. But in speaking with our favorite local professionals, they shared some tips to keep your locks luscious and custom color at your fingertips.

Best tip: Low Maintenance. The stylist at Texture and Gloss have great tips to lengthen your color: think root touch ups, melts and balayage to name a few. Embrace the time between cuts and ask for a blunt chop with long layers to keep your hair healthy. Another pro tip: Schedule Now. Our schedules have never been busier, but you’ll thank yourself every time you catch a glimpse of your perfectly coiffed hair as you are running to hybrid pickup. Take advantage of AZ Studio’s 3,500 sq ft salon with room to spare. Request days when less stylists are on the schedule and you can enjoy a quiet salon, early risers and night owls welcome.

And now, everyone’s favorite add-on products. Speaking of busy schedules, who has time to shower anymore? The stylists at AZ Salon have an excellent variety of dry shampoos to educate you about. I popped in to inquire about one brand and left armed with my favorite post workout, sleepy weekend root booster. Hint, try the R + Co Spiritualized dry shampoo. The label says dry, but it’s a light mist that when it dries post sweat/spritz cleanses your scalp with it’s micellar magic. Remember that custom color you can’t live without? Don’t be shy ask the stylists at Texture and Gloss for a root touch up kit, they were wildly successful during quarantine and as temperatures drop they would make a lovely addition to your medicine cabinet/closet.

*Thanks to Texture and Gloss (109 Ripley Road, Cohasset) and AZ Studio (29 Main Street, Hingham) for helping with this post.