From now until New Year’s Day, your schedule will be filled with many obligations. How do you stay on your wellness and fitness track throughout the crazy holiday season? Don’t give up! Your waistline doesn’t have to expand just because it’s the holidays.

Here are some tips to help you stick to your goals:

1. Make a plan and stick to it!
Think about your workouts as appointments that you need to keep. Plan your workouts each week and stick to them. Workout in the mornings if you tend to be distracted throughout the day. Stick to your game plan. Get creative with your workouts, especially if your schedule becomes extra crowded. Maybe wake up earlier to fit in the sweat sessions? Try a night class because that’s when you can fit it in for the day.

2. Keep Moving!
Fitness can be found in sneaky ways. Park at the furthest parking spot, walk the dog an extra time each day, instead of “just coffee” with a friend, plan a walk & talk while drinking a coffee. Take the stairs – always take the stairs! :) Remember, “some” exercise is better than none.

3. Indulge for a night, but not for the entire season!
It’s easy to overindulge when the season of holiday parties are among us, but think about it as just one night and not an entire season. If you are hosting, make sure all the leftovers go with your guests.

4. Grab a partner in crime.
Invite a friend on this journey. You can keep each other accountable. Daily check-ins, weekly workouts together, constant communication will keep you both in check.

Staying on track holidays