
It’s 3pm – do you know where your willpower is?

As a busy mom, entrepreneur, wife, taxi driver, maid, (you know the drill), the afternoon/afterschool hours can get a little “cray cray” and fueling your body with the right snacks to get you through the madness is not always easy. Stocking your fridge and pantry with an arsenal of “put your shoes on and get in the damn car – NOW!” running-on-empty fuel is the only way to stop your hand from reaching into the proverbial cookie jar and letting your nutrition goals fall prey to convenience.

Always on the quest for the best clean energy and on-the-go options, I love trying new products and narrowing down what makes my body run at optimum speed (which is usually about 47 million miles per hour). Every body requires different nutrients based on activity level, medical conditions and overall health so, what makes my body operate at full strength might not be what you need to fully recharge your battery. Food and supplements are so personal and I have tried many different bars, drinks and potions over the years. I am also a “routine girl” and when I find the right combination of snacks and items that work for my body, I am a loyal consumer.

Our CK meal delivery runs in 8-week sessions. Why? We believe that real changes to your nutritional health and well-being don’t happen from diets, quick-fixes or a clean meal every now and then. True health and wellness become your lifestyle, your way of living and eating on a regular basis. You start to see the positive changes in your dietary health when you do something regularly (and, as always, everything in moderation). Just as with our clean nutrition programs, snacks and food you consume in between regular meals truly can make a difference in how your body operates if you expose yourself to something regularly. Probiotics are a great example and one of my favorite probiotic products on the market today is The Coconut Cult probiotic yogurt. Originally from California (and not even available out here on the east coast until very recently), The Coconut Cult now produces several varieties of vegan yogurt that packs a powerful probiotic punch. Now available at local establishments (The Green Light, Hingham), this supplement is designed to deliver over 25 billion live probiotics per serving. Increasing gut health and improving digestion one tablespoon at a time (no double-dipping!) is their mission and, when consumed regularly, can truly change the way your body responds to foods and digestion while increasing the amount of “good bacteria” in your body. Stored in the fridge, this is a part of my morning routine before heading out the door to the kitchen. One tablespoon and I am conquering the world all day long.

My favorite snacks to bring on the road, in my handbag, or to eat while watching football, basketball, hockey (ALL the sports) games include Perfect Bars, Rebel protein drinks, Nectar & Green 100% pure & local organic almond milk and, of course, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Snacking can be an awesome opportunity to give your body what it needs to keep you going strong during that afternoon slump. Juicing is another powerful way to infuse your body with nutrients and we are at The Green Light Hingham regularly. Play around with what snacks make YOU feel your best and give you energy. There are so many little ways to amp up your nutritional game and each moment you reach for something to eat or drink is an opportunity for self-care and wellness. Find your favorite things and stay happy and satisfied even when your car is filled with middle school girls singing Drake the whole way to Starland Sportsplex.