Welcome Sara Dickison Taylor: CK Wellness Tribe Life Design Editor

Join us as we ring in 2019 by welcoming Sara Dickison Taylor to our CK Wellness Tribe. Sara will be joining our editorial staff as our ‘life design editor’, contributing to our Just Breathe wellness category.

What Happiness Means To Teens

After-school activities offer kids the opportunity to cultivate connections with others they might not necessarily discover in a school setting. Finding a place to ‘fit in’, surrounded by comfort and familiarity is as important as branching out, trying new things and meeting people.

Quieting The Teenage Mind: Why Meditation & Mindfulness Matter

Researchers have been singing the praises of teenage meditation for decades. With the introduction of more and more technology, scholastic and social pressures, and just the overall increase to the pace of daily life, it seems more important now than ever to spend time helping teens learn the power of breathing, quieting the mind, and finding peace.

Healthy Holiday Side Dish Hot List #1: Smashed Potatoes with Organic Lemony-Arugula Pesto

Our diary-free, bright & citrus-kissed organic arugula pesto is the star of this beautiful vegan holiday side dish.


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